Last year’s 25th Czech–Slovak Symposium on Analytic Philosophy featured a number of talks by ARENA team members. We’ve also published the following papers:
Papers in 2021
Gahér, F. (2021): Naozaj Frege plagizoval stoikov? [Did Frege Really Plagiarize the Stoics?] Filozofia 76 (7), 499-522.
Bielik, L. (2021): Abdukcia a jej miesto vo vede a filozofii [Abduction and its Place in Science and Philosophy]. Filozofia 76 (6), 391-406.
Duží, M. – Jespersen, B. – Glavaničová, D. (2021): Impossible Individuals as Necessarily Empty Individual Concepts. In Logic in High Definition: Trends in Logical Semantics. Cham: Springer, 177-202.
Glavaničová, D. – Pascucci, M. (2021): The Good, the Bad and the Right: Formal Reductions among Deontic Concepts. Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 50 (2), 151-176.
Glavaničová, D. – Pascucci, M. (2021): Correctness and completeness of programming instructions for traffic circulation. Science and Engineering Ethics, 27, article no. 72.
Makovník, D. (2021): Nekauzálna explanácia: Hempelovo dedičstvo a jeho moderné podoby. Filozofia, 76 (10), 752–765.
We’ve also organized the following events:
Invited Lectures (2021)
- Iva Svačinová: Podoby (sebe-)přesvědčování v osobních denících (in Czech)
- Katarzyna Budzynska: Is ad hominem a support? Normative vs. descriptive models of language use
- Juraj Tekel: O histórii planéty Vulkán (in Slovak)
- Filip Tvrdý: Kritické myšlení a argumentační mapování
- Different Perspectives on Argumentation (October 2021)